Information on the use of cookies
We use cookies to ensure appropriate operation of the website, we do not collect, store, or disclose any personal data. Our website uses the Google Analytics software.
The cookies provide information for the owners of the website.
They are tools used by websites to enable their operation, and improve their performance.
By employing Google Services, the Amtest-TM websites use Google Analytics to analyze the use of the websites. Google Analytics performs the service by installing text files i.e. cookies on your computer.
The cookies convey information on how you are using the website. Such information, internet log data, and other data, relating to user behaviour only and not containing name, we relay over to Google Analytics. Having anonymized the IP address by removing its last octet, Google stores these data on its own servers.
According to its service provision conditions, Google Analytics uses the information as support for its analyses of user behaviour on the websites.
Google may transfer to a third party the information gathered by Google Analytics, provided those perform processing for Google, or when disclosure is a regulatory requirement.
Amtest-TM will not use its Google statistical analysis tool to trace or collect data on the website visitors suitable for personal identification, and will not permit such action to third parties.
By downloading and installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on the use of Google Analytics cookies can be disabled. By that, the information pertaining to the use of the website will not be transferred to Google Analytics.
For this purpose, please use the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.
The cookies also store information on whether you agreed to us using cookies on the Amtest-TM website. You may adjust cookie behaviour in your browser, or you may delete the cookies. You may set in your browser to block new cookies installed on your PC, and you may delete the existing ones. When deleting cookies, you are deleting the user settings for the website, too.